Executive Board: The executive board meets the third Wednesday of each month act 4:00 p.m. at sites around the district. Please check with your building representative for more information or if you are interested in attending.
President Tony Klehr
Phone: 651-351-6083, Email: klehra@stillwaterschools.org
Vice President Brandon Auge
Phone: 651-327-9079, Email: augeb@stillwaterschools.org
Treasurer Kelly Hoskins
Phone: 651-351-6776, Email: hoskinsk@stillwaterschools.org
Secretary Debbie Drommerhausen
Phone: 651-275-2096, Email: drommerhausendk@stillwaterschools.org
Economic Services and Negotiations
Jason Taverna: Phone: 651-351-6470, Email: tavernaj@stillwaterschools.org
Aaron Danielson: Email: danielsona@stillwaterschools.org
Mike Albers: Phone: 651-351-8668, Email: albersm@stillwaterschools.org
Rachel Steil Phone: 651-351-8131, Email: steilr@stillwaterschools.org
Brad Benson Phone: 651-351-8252, Email: bensonb@stillwaterschools.org
Kate Lagus Phone: 651-351-6821, Email:lagusk@stillwaterschools.org
Eva Lee: Email: leee@stillwaterschools.org
Gretchen Stoffel Phone:651-351-4043, Email: stoffelg@stillwaterschools.org
Public Affairs
Joel Radditz Phone: 651-351-8507, Email: raddatzj@stillwaterschools.org
Professional Development Andrea Schueler
Phone: 651-351-8163, Email: schuelera@stillwaterschools.org
Brandon Auge
Phone: 651-327-9079, Email: augeb@stillwaterschools.org
Stacy Bartlett
Phone: 651-351-8092, Email: bartletts@stillwaterschools.org
Aaron Danielson
Phone: 651-351-6400
Email: danielsona@stillwaterschools.org
Tony Klehr
Phone: 651-351-6083, Email: klehra@stillwaterschools.org
Jason Taverna
Phone: 651-351-6470, Email: tavernaj@stillwaterschools.org
Member Rights
Elementary Jason Taverna
Phone: 651-351-6470, Email: tavernaj@stillwaterschools.org
Special Education Michael Albers
Phone: 651-351-8668 , Email: albersm@stillwaterschools.org
Secondary Tony Klehr
Phone: 651-351-6083, Email: klehra@stillwaterschools.org
Education MN Field Staff
Kevin Nielson
Phone 612-212-6713: , Email: Kevin.Nielsen@edmn.org
Education Minnesota, Woodbury Office
2042 Wooddale Drive, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125
651-734-0120 (X3504)
800-651-9073 (X3504) 651-734-0116 (Fax)
651-247-6298 (cell)